Gift Yourself

Christmas has passed for this year but I’ve decided to gift myself with reading. I love to read. When I read that some of Stephen King’s advice to writers is “read,” I was elated.  I’m paraphrasing but essentially he said you can’t be a good writer if you don’t read.  Read everything you get your hands on. Read fiction and nonfiction. Read outside of your favorite genre.

I enjoy Tosh McIntosh’s blog. He’s a pilot and his book, Wings on My Words, is a book for anyone who loves writing.  Leanna Englert is an undiscovered writer of historical fiction. Her book, Compromise With Sin, is loosely based on how the cure for babies sore eyes came to be. Both of these authors are outside of my favorite reading zone, but they are excellent and I learned from reading their work.

So, be kind to yourself and gift yourself with some time to do some things you love. After that you’ll be refreshed and ready to write that great book that is inside of you.