Chin Up

Many of my friends have stopped watching the news. It’s depressing and after you’ve heard a dozen variations on virus  symptoms, dangers, treatment, etc., it gets even more depressing with repetition.

What to do? What to do?  As a writer, I wish I could write funny novels-nothing roll-in-the-floor funny, but light with a giggle or two. It’s beyond me. Sigh.

I can’t even remember jokes for over an hour, even though I do love jokes. And, let me be clear, I am still frightened, but I have got to think about something else in order to survive.

So, I will pass on some of the “doings” that help me keep the chin up.

1. Meditate. I try for three minutes and hope to get to more as I get better.

2. Count my blessings. I know, I know,that is such a cliche, but as someone who didn’t know four years ago how long I would live, it’s truth.

3. Throw the ball for my dog to fetch and understand how happy  he is with  that simple action.

4. Eat a bowl of ice cream and enjoy how creamy and sweet and absolutely decadent it tastes.