Cooking and Writing

I’ve been eating cornbread dressing cooked in scrambled eggs. And I’ve decided after researching many recipes, dressing is almost the perfect food. You can add or subtract whatever you want and visualize a big family gathering if that’s what makes you content.

When I started this post I thought dressing might be a good way to talk about the characters in a book, but I’ve decided that’s not true. Characters should stand alone and be heroes or heroines on their own. They should stick with you individually—maybe like the dressing after it’s cooked—but not as individual ingredients. And great books will have great, memorable characters.

“We connect with people who interest us.
We have fun with people who know how to have fun.
We bond with people who believe what we believe.
But our deepest relationships are with people who have shared our pain.”

Roy Williams, advertising wizard in Austin, TX.