And now. . . .

This next manuscript is proving to be difficult. I’m at a ‘what now?’ moment which means I need to take a leap of faith and write tonight and figure out later if the words I write will fit in the story. That last sentence sounds slightly crazy but I write the story as it comes to me, and I have friends who write off the cuff and go back later and cut the entire section or edit and keep most of it. I don’t have an outline. That makes me a pantster, as in writing by the seat of my pants.

The thing is, I have this story in my mind. It’s an embryo. Eventually, it will be a full grown story that someone will enjoy reading. Hopefully, many people will love it. Nightingale is still the hero, but I know him better, and I like him more than I did at first. In the first book (which no one has read), I respected him, but he wasn’t a really likeable person. In the second book, A Promise of Water, he was more human. The more he shows his dedication to his job–in the work in progress– and cluelessness about life and love, the more I like him.