
“When we worry about what others think of us, we are most likely assuming that their opinion of us actually matters or means something to us.  The truth is that what other people think about us is colored by their own experiences, prejudices, beliefs and perceptions — so in many cases their opinion probably has nothing to do with us . . . at all.   . . . you didn’t come here to be liked or win unanimous approval.  That’s not the purpose of life.  You came here to be you, to do what you love . . . and to walk your own path — which no one else has walked in the history the world.”

    — Elsye Santilli, American writer

I think sometimes we squelch some of our best writing because we fear that someone will interpret what we’ve  written as a reflection on our relationship with them. I have a friend who wrote a book and one of the rather horrid characters in the book was a version of her mother. My friend asked her mother to proofread the manuscript and waited in suspense for her mother’s reaction. The lady loved the book, was proud of her daughter, and never knew anyone in the book reflected on her. So, write your book, or paragraph, or letter and do what you love. You will only have a regret if you never get the writing done.

Does anyone ever have that problem?